Holiday musings…
I had decided not to celebrate the holidays this year.
With everything that had happened and fear about what might happen, I was exhausted. Everybody wanted my money. It wasn’t about tidings of joy. I had fifty-five emails trying to sell me something. All I wanted to do was curl up with Tiny Tim, my Chihuahua, and shut the world out. Bah! Humbug!
After Thanksgiving, which is also sort of depressing (all those turkeys), I started to listen to Christmas music. I found myself dancing to it. I watched Charlie Brown Christmas. I began baking treats for my friends. I re-read “A Christmas Carol” I told myself that this wasn’t really celebrating. But I knew it was. When I bought a red artificial tree, it was no use trying to fight it.
There is a magic to the holiday season. People try harder to be nice. Many fail, but at least they try. There are pretty lights and carol singers at the mall. Children’s choirs sing from their hearts to bring the meaning of the holidays to the people who listen. I remember singing in my High School Chorus, freezing and singing at the top of our lungs to be heard over the traffic.
My wish this year is that humans honor our connection with everything on the planet.
I hope we find a way to fit into the intangible web of life. I hope we become more thoughtful. I hope we slow things down. I hope we evolve before our intelligence takes us to the brink of losing souls.
“God Bless Us Everyone”
-Kate and Tiny Tim